External Regulations

I stay on the marked trail

The owners allow me to pass on the marked trail, not elsewhere.

I don't make a fire

It is prohibited everywhere, in all circumstances.

I bring back my waste

Did I bring it? I'm bringing it back.


Check the forecast before leaving. Avoid going out during wind, storm, etc.

Your journey before dark

  • Never go hiking alone.
  • Choose a route that suits you.
  • Bring a cell phone if possible, tell at least one person the planned route.
  • Never leave without the trail map (emergency numbers are on it).
  • Make sure you wear good shoes and bring suitable clothing for hiking, depending on weather conditions.
  • Bring water and a snack.
  • We strongly recommend that you travel on our trails in a group of at least two people in order to be able to take turns as needed. As a group, designate an experienced member to close the trail. He will be responsible for supporting slower people.


The black bear is a very discreet and very peaceful animal. Thus, it is very rare for hikers to come across his path, as he has a habit of moving away when he senses or hears them. Cases where the bear attacked the man are extremely rare. Remember that this is a complex and intelligent animal and every encounter is different.

However, here are some tips if you see a black bear.


  • First, if the bear is far away and has not yet seen you, leave the area quietly by turning back and wait until the bear leaves or by making a detour. If you have surprised the bear and it is near you or has identified you, move away as mentioned above and talk to it without shouting.
  • If the bear does not Don't run away, keep talking and otherwise move away permanently.
  • If he becomes aggressive or follows you, make your presence known by speaking loudly and clapping your hands in the air and appearing imposing and intimidating. If this is not enough to scare the bear, take sticks and rocks and throw them in its direction.
  • Remember to never stare into the bear's eyes, it It is important to face him so as not to be attacked from behind, but you should not make direct eye contact. Also, do not run unless your vehicle is a few strides away, as the bear may catch up with you. Finally, do not try to throw away clothing, food or an object belonging to you, because this is, for him, a reward, which will encourage him. Only play dead when the bear attacks you and you have defended yourself as best you can (always protect your neck and head).

Aggressive behavior

Certain signs can warn you that a bear is becoming aggressive: it swings its head, blows, growls, pants, moans, screams, snaps its jaws, shows its teeth and claws, pounds the ground, stares at you and folds the ears back. All of these behaviors indicate that the bear feels threatened.

It might be a good idea to carry cayenne pepper spray to defend yourself, as well as a bell or sound transmitter to make the bear hear you before it sees you.